Its been quite a while since I wrote about what we have been up to so I thought I would do a spring re-cap before we get too far into summer.
Seth is doing so much better with chewing and enjoys going to OT. His speech has also made improvements. He now clearly says 4 things. Ba= Ball, grunt, grunt, grunt, ggrruunnntt = 1, 2, 3, gooo and he says go, go, go as he zooms around on his scooter. He still doesn't say mama or dada, but waves goodbuy, signs more, thank you, hungry, please (sometimes). The biggest improvement we have seen with Seth is his comprehension. Just a few months ago I wasn't even sure he knew his own name. Now I feel like if I use simple enough phrases, he can understand what I tell him. Seth definitely understands scooter, bike, high chair, park and beach. Can you tell what his priorities are?
you need pure concentration if you want to go fast. |
Seth finally has a favorite aunt on the Hatch side. Brandon's brother Michael was married in May. They had a temple wedding followed by a gorgeous beach front wedding dinner. We got to celebrate again several weeks later after their honeymoon to Europe with the entire BYU mens volleyball team, something I find incredibly hilarious but totally would have done if I had been in their place.
Seth is having major separation anxiety these days... |
Somehow Seth ends every event with his clothes off. |
We had a great 4th of July. Seth refused to be separated from me and so he missed out on riding his scooter in the parade but he loved the splash pad and swimming pool and grandmas house. The next day we went to the beach where I showed Seth the pleasures of being buried in the sand. Now he wants to be buried every time we go. Seth is learning to swim with his life jacket and arm floaters on. He can propel himself with his arms a little bit but gets tired pretty fast. We are still working on kicking.
sparklers before bed with Aunt Diane |
boogie boarding with Cory |
beach baby |
that smile! |
Seth is almost 18 months old and Brandon has been taking him to nursery and staying with him to get him used to it. This was not necessary as he was immediately sold once he saw the train table. He also has more responsibility now. He is in charge of cleaning up his toys, washing his hands after the park or before eating using his step stool and of course, washing the car!
I redecorated my living room and am SO excited. When we got married we were given someones furniture, decorations, pretty much EVERYTHING she owned since she was moving into a convent. I am to this day extremely grateful however, I was also very excited to choose my own color theme and style. I still need to make new curtains but just love sitting in my living room and feeling like its mine!
We are also getting really excited for Seth's new baby cousins Thor and Loki to be born. We are hoping they wait until at least 36 weeks but as long as they are healthy wouldn't mind seeing them a bit sooner. We are also excited to find out what their names will be, although they will always be Thor and Loki to me.