So I wrote a really long post about how awesome my kid is. Talked about his developments and talents and favorites. Then I came to my senses. Nobody but his grandparents and me want to read that so instead I'm doing a photo tribute. Feel free to read the captions for more info or just scroll through to see how Seth has grown.
January 18, 2013 |
6 months old |
January 2014, one year old |
February 2014, Seth starts really advancing physically and begins climbing EVERYTHING. He even chipped a tooth and split his lip climbing and then falling off a chain link fence. |
March 2014, Seth loves water. The beach, pool, hose. A favorite spring activity was washing the car. It was so hot that we did it almost weekly. |
April 2014, We got a bike seat for Seth and he loves it. He also loves helping daddy with anything that involves tools. |
May 2014, Seth is such a ham. He loves attention and will do something repeatedly if it gets a good reaction. He is such a funny kid, it's hard not to sit and watch him. This is Seth using a hole as a comfy couch outside of the Temple at his uncles wedding. He loves to put his arms behind his head and relax. |
June2014, Seth loves friends. He went through a stage at this time when we were worried because his way of making a friend was to tackle or push. He was being friendly but it didn't come across that way. Luckily he outgrew it and has learned to wave and say "hi" instead. |
July 2014, Grandma and Grandpa took Seth to Disneyland. His favorite ride was the merry-go-round and he loved the nick jr. puppet show. |
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August 2014, Seth is the happiest most fun kid around. He loves to play, interact and finally likes sweets. Yes, it took 18 months for him to be willing to try dessert! He also started speech around this time, loves going to mommy and me school, and lights up everyone's life. |
September 2014, Back to mommy and me school and Seth is in heaven. He loves painting and playing with puzzles best. |
October 2014, Seth was the cutest Mr. Fredrickson for halloween. He is starting to speak and loves animal sounds. |
November 2014, Seth has developed an interest in babies now that he has cousins. He is also VERY excited for his own little brother to arrive. He always blesses baby in his prayers and is so gentle. He is also obsessed with Thomas the train and loves his train tracks. |
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December 2014, Seth is talking a lot now. He still only asks for things (doesn't share thoughts) but he understands everything. He loves hugs and interacting. He is very independent and insists on walking everywhere. He also likes to choose his own clothes. Seth got really good at boogie boarding while we were in Puerto Rico. |
January 2015, Seth turned two! I can't believe it. His favorite toys are trains and trucks and his favorite activity is jumping. He can count to five, say his name (neh) and if you ask him how old he is he would proudly say "two". He started using names this week and knows the letter "S". Seth is 36.5 inches and 30.5 lbs, that makes him half an inch shorter than 2 year old Brandon and 3.5lbs lighter. |
He gives joy to all who know him |
Happy Birthday Seth