Nov 21, 2013

10 months

Ten Months

Seth turned 10 months old a few days ago. He is seriously one amazing kid. He amazes us every day. Seth is still a generally happy kid but has become a little bit more clingy to me and instead of letting everything brush off of him, he now gets upset when things don't go his way. 

Seth took his first steps on November 6th and takes more and more each day. He loves our new after dinner activity where Brandon and I sit across from each other and he walks back and forth between us. This usually involves one of us with a toy on our head because he walks better when he is looking up instead of at the ground. This week he has become more confident and will initiate walking distances which only require 2-3 steps when he doesn't want to let go of his toys.

One of Seth's new favorite activities is to hold onto a somewhat flat object in each hand and push them across the floor. He LOVES quesadillas and tomatoes. He jabbers all day long and LOVES to play with his friends.

Seth has not gained any weight since he was 6 months old but is still our little chub.

We are so blessed to have this baby boy in our lives and love him more and more each day.

We kept hearing small noises every once in a while but Seth's camera wasn't working, when we finally went in this is what we found. This kid is too smart and strong for his own good.

Nov 1, 2013


I have a love hate relationship with budgets. More love than hate. But there is a lot of hate.

I am in charge of buying groceries, little things we need like shampoo and laundry detergent. those things add up. I only buy what I need to make meals and try to save as much as possibly but did not have a specific budget to follow. After reviewing our finances last month, we decided I could do better and set a budget for groceries. Last month was the first month and I blew through my monthly allotment in THREE WEEKS, one of which we were not even home for.... I didn't even buy meat that month. Yikes. We decided it would be a trial month.

Today is November 1 and I have planned meals for the whole month. I have split the money up by weeks so that no matter what, I still have money left for the last week. (I think we had spaghetti twice last week and mac and cheese today, from a box!) I am trying really, really, hard to make this work but healthy eating is more important to me than saving the money so in the end, I may need a bigger grocery budget... Wish me luck.

How do you plan your meals and what healthy meals does your family like that are friendly to a small budget?